Vaporama 120ml.



Vaporama House Blends is a collection of our favorite flavors we've discovered over the years. Great tasting juice, at value pricing

Additional information


Berry Medley, The Big C, Blueberry Bits, Boo Berry, Floss, Fruit Explosion, Grape Berry Low Mint, Kings Cream, Peach Tropics, Pecan Butter Rounds, Rainberry, Raspberry MLK, Raspberry Sour Apple, Space Rocks, Starberry, Strawberry kiwi, Strawberry MLK, Strawberry White Choc, Swedish, The Captain, Ultimate Bits, Watermelon Breeze, Werthy, Patchy Keys, Cherry Ade, Watermelon Blueberry Lemon Blast

Nicotine Level

3mg, 6mg